Main strategic goal:
To preserve and develop the Tsenov Academy’s leading position in the market of educational, scientific, and consulting products and services in the fields of economics, administration, management and tourism through investment in the brand as “one of the best higher schools in Bulgaria”.
Strategic objectives:
• To permanently raise the academic bar, focusing on up-to-date educational technologies and the school’s own knowledge in educating “Economists who can…”.
• To master the full market potential in education at master’s degree level, including through development of educational products in foreign languages.
• To provide the educational process, scientific research and accommodation facilities with a modern academic infrastructure ensuring access to information resources.
• To manage the scientific and research activities as the basis of academic lecturing and professional education for undergraduate and post-graduate students.
• To ensure the sustainable development of academic activities conforming to the standards of the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.
• To integrate our more than 100 thousand alumni through networks of postgraduate student clubs upholding the reputation of the Academy and supporting the academic management's initiatives, plans, programmes and projects.
• To promote Svishtov as an attractive centre for organising and holding national and international scientific forums.
• To adhere to the normative procedures for institutional programme accreditation and post-accreditation monitoring and control, aiming to raise the capacity of the higher school to a level of 16 thousand undergraduate and postgraduate students.
• To support the implementation of students’ policies and support the students' organizations, sport clubs, tourist society and art clubs. To fund projects for the renovation of the sports facilities, including the tennis courts, the swimming pool, the indoor racing track.
• To provide financial support for the higher school through successful development of projects financed by operative programmes, the national “Scientific Research” fund of MEYS, etc.