Dimitar Tsenov

Димитър Ценов Дарение


Dimitar Tsenov, born in Svishtov, was a man of the Bulgarian national revival period. He stands out among the Renaissance figures for his excellent human and civic virtues: modesty, honesty, vision, and pragmatism, broad interests and culture, diligence, wisdom and strong will, patriotism, noble morality and humanity.

Dimitar Tsenov had a brilliant and successful business career as an entrepreneur, merchant and stockowner and contributed greatly to laying the economic foundations of the newly-liberated Bulgaria. Being a respected authority throughout Europe, Tsenov enjoyed business relations with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany, France, and the USA, and received national and foreign (Austrian and German) governmental awards for his public merits.

Dimitar Tsenov's most noble and remarkable deed is his endowment for the establishment and the upkeep of a higher Trade School in the town of Svishtov. On September 1st, 1912 Tsenov bequeathed his fortune to the citizens of Svishtov, leaving all his assets, securities, and estates as an endowment. A part of his will reads: “As I place my modest contribution upon the altar of the Bulgarian people, I conclude my will with the wish that the Bulgarian people should constantly pursue the path of cultural growth to achieve their ideals”.

The dream of the benefactor is a mission statement and a moral duty for both educators and students!