Annual Meeting of Alumni Club IntEcoR

Alumni club International Economic Relations (IntEcoR) cordially invites you to its annual meeting, which will take place on March 17, 2018 (Saturday) in Svishtov. We will mark the 7th anniversary of the Club's foundation with various events:


from 2:00 PM  to 3:00 PM: KICKBOX - open practice with Ivan Angelov
(Sports Club "Bolg", at "Aleko" Cinema)

from 3:00 PM  to 4:00 PM: LATIN DANCES - an open lesson with Ivan Ivanov (Barry) and Elitsa Bakalova
(Art Center The Creator, 6 Tsar Osvoboditel str., 4th floor)

from 4:00 PM  to 5:00 PM: FOLK DANCES - an open lesson with Yavor Uzunov

(Art Center The Creator, 6 Tsar Osvoboditel str., 4th floor)

from 7:30 PM: SPRING BALL - theme "Forest fairies and heroes"
(limited entrance, hotel-restaurant "Novae", 2, Todor Hrulev Str.)

This year, we will again stimulate the exchange of business cards between the graduates of the specialty in order to create new contacts, share open job positions, foster joint initiatives and talent hunting.

More about the event at: