D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics has been working on Erasmus+ programme KA171 (former KA107) since 2015. Students and staff from third countries are eligible to carry out short-term or long-term physical and blended mobility for studies and traineeship within a given project coordinated by the Academy. Erasmus+ office applies for funding to the Bulgarian National Agency. If the project was awarded a financial support to implement the proposed activities with a certain list of partner HEIs, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics and its partners should implement the project mobilities within the project timeframe.

Each sending institution follows its own regulations and applies own criteria for selecting and nominating the students and staff for international credit mobility. Study activities offered to students have to be part of their study programme in the home institution. Both the host and home institutions, as well as the participant should agree the time period and study/traineeship (for students) and teaching/training (for staff) activities, in advance.

Students are eligible participants in the following mobility activities:

  • Long-term physical mobility for studies or traineeship: minimum length of 2 months physical mobility, excl. travel days.
  • Short-term blended mobility for studies: minimum length of 5 days physical mobility, excl. travel days, a mandatory virtual part before or after the physical part, and minimum 3 ECTS both for physical and virtual parts.
  • Short-term blended mobility for traineeship: minimum length of 5 days physical mobility, excl. travel days, a mandatory virtual part before or after the physical part.
  • Short-term doctoral mobility for studies or traineeship: between 5- and 30-days physical mobility, excl. travel days.

Staff are eligible participants in the following mobility activities:

  • Short-term physical mobility for teaching: minimum length of 5 days physical mobility, excl. travel days.
  • Short-term physical mobility for training/job shadowing: minimum length of 5 days physical mobility, excl. travel days.

Students and staff could take part in Blended intensive programmes (BIPs) organised by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics. For up-to-date information about the BIPs coordinated by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, please visit the subsection of our website titled Blended Intensive Programmes. Students could be accepted by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics for a short-term mobility for studies which includes a mandatory physical component between 5 and 30 days (excl. travel days) and a virtual component before, during or after the physical part. The total studentload is minimum 3 ECTS for the whole programme. Staff members are eligible participants in BIPs. They can take part in the training activities. All restrictions regarding the length of the physical part of the blended intensive programme apply for the staff as well. There is no requirement for a minimum ECTS awarded.

Students and staff could receive an individual support that allies with the grant rates per month and per day respectively. Individual support depends on the real stay in the home HEI, i.e. the physical mobility Mobile participants could receive up to 2 days for traveling (1 before the start and 1 after the end of mobility) as an individual support, as well as a travel grant. Travel grant depends on the distance between the sending institution and the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics according the Distance Calculator of the European Comission, as well as the type of the transport means used for the mobility – standard or green.

Erasmus+ programme promotes environmental sustainability and green practices in mobility. Students and staff who use sustainable means of transport for their mobility (both routes: ‘home HEI – host HEI – home HEI’) could receive up to 4 days for travelling (2 days before the start and 2 days after the end of the mobility) as an individual support and green transport grant.

Erasmus+ supports participants with fewer opportunities and special needs. Students who are: (1) with permanent disabilities and reduced working capacity of at least 70% or (2) war invalids and war casualties or (3) full orphans or (4) parents of 3 or more children could receive an additional inclusion support beyond what is provided as an individual support. Participants in particular physical, mental and health-related conditions may receive inclusion support which cover up to 100% of the real cost.

All grants are paid on site as the mobile participants arrive in Svishtov and sign a financial agreement.

Mobile participants must hold a valid travel assistance while being on exchange abroad which includes the travel days as well.

One of the most important issues of the project is the recognition (incl. period of stay abroad and participant’s outcomes). D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics issues a document called Erasmus+ mobility certificate which aims at recognising the students’ achievements during their mobility.

For incoming students:

Erasmus Student Charter
Online application form for student mobility
Learning agreement for student mobility for studies (template)
Learning agreement for student mobility for traineeship (template)
Online Language Support assessments and courses (requires registration)
Declaration of green transport (if applicable)
Declaration of carpooling (if applicable)
Declaration of lack of double funding
Application form for additional financial support under Erasmus+ programme for students and staff with special needs from HEIs

For incoming staff:

Online application form for staff mobility
Mobility agreement for teaching (template)
Mobility agreement for training (template)
Declaration of green transport (if applicable)
Declaration of carpooling (if applicable)
Declaration for lack of double funding
Application form for additional financial support under Erasmus+ programme for students and staff with special needs from HEIs