Doctoral student of the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics has taken part in a summer school in Poland

A summer school organised by Wroclaw University of Economics attracted doctoral students and young researchers from four continents with research interests in the field of Economics. The doctoral school was held in 14-21 July, 2019. Among the selected participants from Brazil, Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic, France, South Africa and Indonesia was Veneta Lyubenova, who is a full-time PhD student at the Department of Marketing. The event was carried out with the financial support of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).

The participants have taken part in various courses related with the PhD preparation and research work – “Conceptual framework for PhD thesis” delivered by Prof. Marcos Ferasso from Brazil, “Mixed methods design and analysis” delivered by Prof. Yury Karoleu from Belarus and “How to get published” delivered by Prof. Gary N. McLean from USA. 

According to Veneta Luybenova, participation in international research exchange increases the opportunities for young researchers to present their research work, gain confidence and multicultural and professional experience. Is also increases the international visibility of the sending institution, which fosters inter-institutional engagement. 
As a spin-off effect of the exchange, a new bilateral framework agreement will be signed between Wroclaw University of Economics and D. A. Tsenov of Economics, which will be used for developing and strengthtening the existing partnership relations under Erasmus+ programme.