Presentation of the Erasmus+ project “ECVET based further VET training to support the enhancement of entrepreneurship skills of young people and micro-SMEs via management accounting”
The project No. 2018-1-BG01-KA202-047867 "ECVET based further VET training to support the enhancement of entrepreneurshipskills of young people and micro-SMEs via management accounting" implemented by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics was presented on the 24th of February 2020 at the Centre for Vocational Training (CVT). The audience of the presentation included teachers and students from Aleko Kosntantinov vocational high school and several lecturers from the CVT.
The initiative was a part of the dissemination strategy of the project. The aim of the presentation was to promote the project activities among high school lecturers and students studying Entrepreneurship and Accounting.
Assoc. Prof. Hristo Sirashki, Ph.D. presented the project idea, project activities and the expected outcomes. During the presentation, the participants discussed the forthcoming beta testing of the courses in Management Accounting and the mobile application, which is expected to benefit both the target group and the general public (high school teachers and students in different fields of study).