SLE TRAINING for International Development Cooperation
This year’s application period for SLE TRAINING courses on development cooperation (please see information below) has started 1st of March and takes til 30th of April. Please feel most welcome to apply and/or to forward this information to counterparts, colleagues and friends.
- Disaster Risk Reduction: Linking Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation (5-16 August 2013)
- Management of Development Projects (19-30 August 2013)
- Conflict Management and Conflict Transformation (2-13 September 2013)
- Increasing Resilience to Climate Change through Sustainable Resource Management (6-27 September 2013)
For any further information, please see: http://www.sle-berlin.de/index.php/en/training-2/training
Anja-Katrin Fleig
Programme Coordinator
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Hessische Strasse 1-2
10115 Berlin
Tel.: +49+30+2093 69 12
Fax: +49+30+2093 69 04
E-Mail: sletraining@agrar.hu-berlin.de
Website: www.sle-berlin.de/training/en