
Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce that the first issues of ECONJOURNALS: Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, Eurasian Journal of Businessand Management, and Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences have been published and you are welcome to view the full-text articles available online:

For Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance (EJEF) , please go to

For Eurasian Journal of Business and Management (EJBM) , please go to

For Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences (EJSS) , please go to

The mission of ECONJOURNALS is to give opportunity to papers which test theory and contribute to practice. Our journals are refereed with a double-blind review process and an article submitted to one of our journals for publication must be original and not under review for any other journals.

There is no submission fee, but the accepted papers are required to pay a publication fee of 200 Euros. Authors do not need to pay the publication fee until their manuscripts are accepted.

Questions regarding all three journals can be directed to us at journals@econjournals.net.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

(Online Journals)

E-mail: journals@econjournals.net