
Уважаеми колеги,

В Центъра за международно сътрудничество и проекти е получена покана за участие Летен лагер за студенти „Stud Stream”, организиран от Черниговския институт „Героите на Крут“ към Междурегионалната академия по управление на персонала, гр. Чернигов, Украйна

Продължителността на лагера е 10 дни, а цената 250 евро.

Желаещите студенти могат да се обадят в ЦМСП.


International Student Camp «Stud stream»

You want to receive bright and unforgettable experience, make new friends, learn how to work in a team, enjoy the beauty of Ukrainian edge, open new abilities and talents? Chernigov Institute of Krut Heroes of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management invites you to our summer camp called Stud stream. Student brotherhood will give you the opportunity to have fun and spend time interestingly. The process of communication in our camp involves a lot of super positive emotions, which allow you to develop and create, to be always in a good mood.

Why people choose our camp?

Ten days in the camp is a chance to spend your free time pleasant, relaxing and developing.
Just imagine, on the banks of the picturesque river Desna near the fire, you cook a wonderful soup with fish, hear fascinating sounds of a guitar. Do you want to feel the spirit of the Middle Ages? Then we invite you to take part in the historical performance of knightly tournament.
We offer:

  • Program of interactive learning foreign languages.
  • Study the program on time management, which will allow you to become successful.
  • Conduct communicative training on "team building" will teach you to create a team spirit.
  • Conduct of intellectual games "Brain-ring", "What? Where? When"; "Maphia"; "Wheel of Fortune" will test the strength of your intellect!
  • Conduct of living quests - offline (it could be a classic detective, western, spy thriller, mystic and a pirate story) will not leave you indifferent.
  • Organization of incendiary, theme parties, "Tournament strength and courage", "Poetry unites the soul", "Kaleidoscope of smiles", "Beautiful Lady".
  • Sports and tourist activities involve the participation of everyone in the relay races, soccer, volleyball, as well as competitions in drafts, chess, table tennis.
  • Participation in the action "good affairs" (do more good deeds for a short time).
  • Visit the bowling club will give you the courage and self-confidence!
  • Riding will make you feel full seriousness of life.
  • Visit to the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Hetman's Capital" in Baturyn helps you get through a period of prosperity and the elimination of Hetman. Visiting Anthony Caves slightly open to you many secrets of the past. Mezin National Park - pearl of nature Novgorod-Seversky Polesie - will charm picturesque landscapes. Kiev - a must! Tour to the city museums "Western art" and "Museum of the water."
  • The program of the camp may be amended according to the wishes.

Welcome new ideas! We are waiting for you and will be glad to meet you!
10 days - the price of 250 EUR 
Chernigov Institute of Krut Heroes
"Interregional Academy of
14017, Chernigov, st. Promyshlennaya, 17
Phone: (+ 380462) 677-179, mob. phone 0674645806
E-mail: studstreamchernihiv@ukr.net
