Регионален ден на Кеймбридж в България 2015

Уважаеми колеги,
ЦМСП съобщава на всички заинтересовани студенти за участие в Регионален ден на Кеймбридж в България 2015. Събитието се организира от издателство Klett – България и Cambridge University Press.
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Invitation to Regional Cambridge English Days Bulgaria

This year we are pleased to announce that in addition to the Cambridge Day in Sofia we are holding regional Cambridge Days in Veliko Tarnovo and Plovdiv.

Schedule and content for the days which are organised by Klett, in collaboration with Cambridge English and Cambridge University Press, are as follows.

19 February 2015
Cambridge Day in Veliko Tarnovo
PGT “Dr. Vasil Beron”, 10 Tsanko Tserkovski str.

20 February 2015
Cambridge Day in Plovdiv
Hotel Trimoncium, 2 Kapitan Raicho str.
9.30 – 10.00 Registration

10.00 – 10.15 Opening Address
Vladimir Kolev, Managing Director, KLETT Bulgaria

10.15 – 11.15 Mixed Feelings – Teaching Large Multilevel Classes
As soon as we have more than one student in a lesson, we have a mixed ability class. This presentation looks at some of the difficulties this causes and offers some practical solutions for maintaining interest and motivation in both skills and language focused lessons. The session also highlights an array of helpful, inclusive and enjoyable activities that increase personalization and learner interaction.
Terry Prosser, Cambridge University Press

11.15 – 11.30 Break

11.30 – 12.30 Speak Say Talk Tell: strategies and tasks for developing resourceful speakers in the B1 and B2 classroom
This presentation will focus on developing effective speaking strategies in learners in different discourse contexts. With reference to the Cambridge Common Scale of Speaking we will touch upon themes such as active listening, turn-taking, developing discourse, patterns of interaction and spoken register and look at practical classroom tasks and speaking activity management frameworks that help develop different forms of speaking competence in B1 and B2 learners. Issues relating to how to frame tasks in the classroom environment to optimise learner engagement in speaking activity will also be considered.
Bob Obee, Professional Support Leader, Cambridge English Language Assessment

12.30 – 14.00 Break

14.00 – 15.00 Another Time, Another Place – Developing interest and insights into different cultures
This ‘English in Mind’ presentation looks at ways of developing curiosity, interest and motivation in teenage classes with new insights and understanding of different cultures. The session will also highlight the use of coursebook content and multimedia to set up learner interaction, projects, presentations and portfolios.
Terry Prosser, Cambridge University Press

15.00 – 15.10 Break

15.10 – 16.10 The Classroom Writing Process Cycle: exploring the effective staging of B1 and B2 Writing tasks
This presentation will present a principled framework for the staging of classroom writing activity for B1 and B2 learners and look at practical examples of tasks that meet staged objectives. Reference to criteria identified in the Cambridge Common Scale of Writing will be made throughout and we will also focus on the relationship between writing work and other skills work done in class and ways of closely integrating writing input in the classroom with extended writing work done out of class. A variety of techniques for giving feedback on learner writing will be touched upon and how varying forms of feedback can be seen to develop more reflective writers.
Bob Obee, Professional Support Leader, Cambridge English Language Assessment

16.15 Raffle and Farewell

25 April 2015
Cambridge Day in Sofia
Details to follow
Please confirm your participation by February 13th  via phone at (02) 843 20 70, fax (02) 943 15 65, email: info@klett.bg  or register directly at www.klett.bg/seminari
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Cambridge English Southern Europe